Photographers Keeping it Real with Andy Hudson - we have a kind of history to share with you. I met Andy a few years back on the Birmingham Photography Show. That time we were a fresh company in the UK market, and after a few pints, we said to each other: " well, this is nice, let's do something together!" And that's how Andy become our client forever.
Photo by Andrew Billington -
photo by Annie Bradney -
Photo by Barnaby Staniland -
Photo by David Scholes -
Andy created Photographers Keeping it Real for the documentary need of the wedding community and it turned out to be a great decision. Right now PKiR is a large group of photographers with a great documentary style and most importantly - the decisive moment of the reportage. As we have a long term relationship with Andy, QTAlbums and PKiR are joining together to support both communities and promote the idea of print. Yes, print your work, all these moments can't be only be burnt on the pen drive and left in a closet. Please check out the latest competition run by PKiR ( you can win a lot of great awards!!!) Check their website, check our website, and KEEP IT REAL!!!