

Guest Post by Nitzan Gur

My Secret Recipe For Editing Wedding Photos Editing In ¼ Of The
Time - Without Compromises!

Over the last 10 years, wedding photography shifted toward what I always thought it should’ve been: intimate, highly personal, and tailored to each and every couple. When I arrive to shoot a wedding, I already know exactly how I want to portray the story of each wedding and how the photos would look like.

However, with this shift, I saw that both my colleagues and I are getting more and more overwhelmed by the part that our clients are somewhat oblivious to: the (mostly) monotonous editing phase. 

Nitzan's raw image

Nitzan's raw image

Nitzan's image edited with his ImagenAI profile

Nitzan's image edited with his ImagenAI profile

As a busy (and very grateful) photographer, I tried countless tricks to make life easier for myself: I tried automating large parts of my process, made my own wedding photo editing presets - I even purchased a controller to Lightroom to make things more productive.  

It took me years to develop my unique editing style - and mimicking it, or replicating it, is nearly impossible. Like many other professionals in the field, I tried going down the assistant road - but was disappointed time and again. Teaching a new person your own photo-editing style is time and energy-consuming, and unfortunately, all the talented people I trained (no less than 14 of them!) were not up to par. 

I walked around for years thinking to myself: there must be a way to teach my computer my point of view, and make this process so much more efficient than it is today!

My idea finally got an actual shape 2.5 years ago, when I was hired to do a shoot for a couple in their happiest of days. Little did I know, but the universe was reading my thoughts - cause the soon-to-be-husband, Yoav, has a background in AI! From that moment on, my dream became a reality.

In just 4 clicks, I’m getting 1000 edited photos in about 20 minutes. I no longer need to go over each and every photo myself - my AI-based, personalized assistant learned my style and does it for me, no explanations needed! 

Instead of me tweaking every picture from scratch, it was applying my own personalized profile in amazing accuracy and speed (a second per photo!) onto each one singularly - so I barely need to touch them afterward. It is really the next generation of Lightroom presets!

I can finally spend the thousands of hours I’m saving on the parts of photo editing that I actually love and enjoy - removing unwanted items from the frame or making the photo even more aesthetic (without “beautifying” people, in my opinion, everyone I shoot is already beautiful!).

I’ve always believed that as a professional photographer, I need to keep improving myself and my service for my clients. ImagenAI allows me to save a lot of time and energy, and helps me to focus on giving my clients the best possible outcome. It’s the best assistant I could ever ask for, and I can highly recommend it to everyone in the business.

Nitzan Gur is an award-winning wedding photographer from Israel. With more
than 10 years in the field, he describes his work as a way of spreading
stories and calls it his mission to capture unforgettable moments. His
signature personal photo editing style is known for its warm tones and

If you haven’t found your editing voice yet then you can try out one
of ImagenAI’s TALENT profiles they have on offer. These are ready-to-use
profiles that have been made by top photographers they have partnered with,
including Nitzan Gur (his profile is called ‘Warm Skin Tones).