
How Flat Rate Album Copies Can Profit your Professional Photography Business

If we do a little word association and I ask you to tell me what you think of when you hear the term ‘professional photographer,’ what would you reply?

You’d likely think of yourself, maybe some colleagues; visualize some shoots, ponder about camera models, lens types, maybe even albums and products. The term ‘professional photographer,’ or even ‘professional photography,’ though, is not likely to conjure up thoughts of average order value, lifetime value, or customer value maximization, but they are equally as relevant.

Indeed, these are key terms for operating a business proficiently, and, being a professional photographer means being a business owner and keeping your operations afloat - read profitable.

So, what are some ways these ideas and principles can apply to professional photography and help you get the most out of each client interaction?

There are a few, but one that is especially useful is flat rate copies.

What are Flat Rate Copies and How do they Work?

Flat rate copies are what you might expect them to be. They are copies of an original order and design, duplicated and offered to you, the original buyer, at a discounted price. Flat Rate Copies are always printed on our Fuji photo paper, regardless of the print type in your main album.

Photo and artwork by Gabriele Gregis of Wed Love Story Wedding Photography

Often referred to as ‘Parent Albums’, these copies are frequently utilized by the client (your customer) as gifts to give to parents, or other special family members or friends. Again, these extra copies are nearly always provided by the album supplier at a discount to the photographer and it’s then up to you, as the photographer, if you pay the discount forward to clients, or reap the extra reward yourself. Though, most do pay the discount forward to some extent.

As for why that is, NOLA wedding photographer and product saleswoman Liz King of Matthew Foster Photography admits, “Albums are expensive and if they weren't getting such a big discount on the duplicates they would probably not get them….”

But that’s OK. Sales is often a ‘big picture’ play. A discount here and there to help push a sale through is nothing to be worried about.

In fact, it’s often good business. After all, any sale (even a discounted one) is better than no sale at all. And, more money spent at any one given time by a client is just that: more money spent, more of a sale (even if it’s discounted).

Adding to the value that these discounted extras like parent albums and flat rate copies offer, Washington D.C. area wedding photographer Steve Dalgetty of An Endless Pursuit Photography explains, “It gives couples the benefit to give parents an album without the high cost that we charge for an album.”

An extra sale and a satisfied client is exactly the goal to aim for.

Equally, through the lens of a business, it makes sense to strive for efficiency and getting the most out of any one sale. This is where things like upsells, cross-sells, and especially something like flat rate copies come into play. A higher average order value per client indicates things are going well and that time is being spent effectively. So we understand how flat rate copies can help to move product, but what makes them efficient?

Photo Album Copies for Wedding Couples

Photo and artwork by Gabriele Gregis of Wed Love Story Wedding Photography

They are literally copies of a photo project already created.

“The way QT has it structured,” explains Gabriele Gregis, an Italian wedding photographer of Wed Love Story Wedding Photography, “the option to create copies is a really convenient and exceptional thing, without wasting time creating different layouts, the copy is identical to the main one.”

What this means is no extra time is needed to get the extra product. Or, as Liz succinctly states, flat copies are, “extra income without extra work.”

Steve concurs, stating he is able to offer the extra albums at a “very low” price because “there's no additional effort to us.”

For Gabriele, the advantage of having fixed costs for album copies without the need to account for the amount of pages of the first copy, “allows me to create an accurate price list.”

How Should I Offer Flat Rate Copies and Parent Albums to my Clients?

The concept of flat rate album copies, then, may appear as a business well-duh, but how to offer them to clientele?

Often, they are included in a photographer’s high-end collection or package offer.

“Two of our wedding packages come with albums,” Liz states. “One of the packages includes two smaller sized duplicates with the main album. Most of the time that's when clients get copies.”

Photo Album Copies for Wedding Couples

Photo and artwork by Gabriele Gregis of Wed Love Story Wedding Photography

Liz continues to illustrate that for her, copies are also available a la carte or after the wedding, and in those instances the success rate of ordering an additional duplicate copy is about half.

Steve follows a similar strategy offering copies in his “top collection” and being sure “they are always available as an upsell to a couple who has already booked a wedding album.

“They have the chance to add them when they fill out their order form for us with preferences on colors and personalizations. If they select ‘Yes’ to the parent albums then we simply invoice them the difference.”

“I generally propose the 30x30cm size as the main album and the 20x20cm for the parents,” Gabriele states explaining how he offers flat rate copy bundles. “Usually two copies as a minimum.”

Yet, Gabriele also likes to work in the emotion and sentimental experience of albums as he proposes the offer of parent albums to his couples.

Photo of Wedding Couple in Quality Print Album

Photo and artwork by Gabriele Gregis of Wed Love Story Wedding Photography

“I always receive my bride and groom in the studio when they have to choose the album so that they can see, touch and browse through them live. I created samples with the main album plus the corresponding identical copy in a smaller size. When they see the smaller copy made with the identical quality to the main album they go crazy.

“I try to make them understand the importance of having copies for the people who were present at the event as well. Such as parents, a wonderful surprise for them.

“I always tell my clients, ‘Imagine how nice it would be to show your parents your album, make them moved and see them happy.’ And shortly afterwards give them the smaller copy, this will make them proud.

“Seeing in person how beautiful their album copy is, they are quite enticed to make it.”

After setting the mood and touching on the emotional value, Gabriele applies a subtle dose of urgency, “I also tell the bride and groom that the choice of album copies should be made now, for two reasons.

“The first is that they have better prices,” he explains, “and the second is that the copy can only be made at the time we send their main album, and afterwards it would not be possible. Or rather, it is possible but with higher costs. They reason about this aspect and understand that it is worth doing it.”

For Gabriele, it is important to get your clients to truly appreciate the value the offer holds the moment you reveal it.

“Make them understand the importance,” he emphasizes. “Above all, I like to make the purchase of copies a worthwhile thing and an opportunity that cannot be repeated.”

Duplicate Albums - Don’t be Shy, Speak them into Existence

Eliciting these copies is an important concept. Don’t expect your clients to come in asking about album copies upfront. In fact, clients aren’t usually the ones to ask about it at all. Instead, you need to do your part to market them and make your clients aware of the offer and its benefits.

Luxury Photobooks for Wedding Photos

Photo and artwork by Gabriele Gregis of Wed Love Story Wedding Photography

“I have duplicates listed as an option in our digital brochure,” informs Liz. “We price the duplicates with a deep discount to make it appealing to clients. At some point during the design process, usually toward the end when I give them their final amount due, I remind them they can get a discount for x amount.”

Another strategy is to promote the offer on social media. It’s not always bullet-proof, but social media is the avenue of communication these days and Liz highlights for her and her business, even when it comes to flat rate copies, social media can help.

“…marketing them more on social media, that does seem to help get new inquiries that sometimes turn into orders.”

In the end, flat rate copies and parent album deals are no different than another service or product you hope to sell and, therefore, you need to market it and sell it much in the same way you would anything else. Yet, the benefit; the potential gain is clear.

Where’s the Best Place to Order Flat Rate Copies for Parent Albums?

Luckily, at QT Albums - yes, right here at QT! - we offer a quick and easy way to order and benefit from flat rate album copies.

Simply, log in and begin your order for your original album project. If it is a product eligible for flat rate copies, you will simply click to select from the options presented to you at the end of the order form.

Flat Rate Copies Order Form from QT Albums

That’s it! We will take care of the rest by creating the copies for you :)

“I like QT's new flat rate copy deal, that seems pretty easy,” claims Liz.

The process to design is easy as well as the set up for your business.

“…the album copy will be identical and at a flat rate cost,” Geogrio explains as he shares what he likes about QT’s flat rate album copies. “This allows you to have fairly unchanged price lists for album copies, and assure the client of very favorable costs. It allows me to always make money on album copies, even if it happens that the main album has more pages. This is really a beautiful aspect.”

Flat rate copies through QT Albums are an easy way to make your product sales go further, elevate your profit margin, and increase your client’s average order value. Or, as Steve puts it:

“We like that it's priced the way it is to give an album offering with a ‘no-brainer’ upsell to our couples”

Take advantage of our flat rate copies so the next time you hear professional photographer you’ll quickly think: profitable. It’s a no-brainer.